Consumption, Hoarding, Tightwad Show

Consumption, Hoarding, Tightwad Show

00:00 / 57:27

Consumption is nec­es­sary for survival but also produces negative con­se­quences for human health, society, and the envi­ron­ment. Research across domains (addic­tion, obesity, debt, consumer behavior, material waste, hoarding) finds over­lap­ping bio­log­ical and psy­cho­log­ical bases for consumption-​​related phe­nomena, sug­gesting the benefits of an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach. Our guests Scott Rick and Stephanie Preston joined us  in the studio right before the holidays to unpack these themes of societal consumption.

Scott Rick is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at the University of Michigan, with a Ph.D. in Behavioral Decision Research from Carnegie Mellon. He has written papers with such provoca­tive themes as “Fatal (Fiscal) Attraction; Spendthrifts and Tightwads in Marriage.”

Stephanie Preston is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of Michigan, with a focus on cog­ni­tion and cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science. Her lab­o­ra­tory uses an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to study the inter­face between emotion and decision making.  They work to deter­mine the prox­i­mate (what the brain and body are doing) and ultimate (why they exist, how they evolved) bases of the complex behaviors.

Co-​​hosts Rebecca Hardin and Kat Superfisky take us through another great hour of envi­ron­mental radio — with some smashing tunes from Madonna to Erykah Badu!

Poverty + Sustainability: Lessons in + from Detroit

Poverty + Sustainability: Lessons in + from Detroit

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We kick off the show looking at what the most sustainable Christmas tree options are (with one of our hosts even citing some insight she gained from a life cycle assessment she ran!). Then we set our sights on Delray, one of Detroit’s most impoverished neighborhoods.  It is a long-​​time victim to city planning efforts, sits in the most polluted zip code in the state of Michigan, and is the future home of the bridge plaza for the proposed International Trade Crossing to Canada – that is all to say, it is a HOT-​​BED for envi­ron­mental injus­tice. Listen in as Urban Planning Professor Larissa Larsen joins us in the studio to discuss the muddy terrain of urban sus­tain­ability in Delray. We will also have recent UM grad Chris Detjen in the studio to share his expe­ri­ences living in Detroit and working on sus­tain­ability issues. The whole radio hour is  punc­tu­ated by some catchy Detroit tunes. Do tune in!